Sunday, April 23, 2017

NZ/Aus Day 36: The Big 7

Celebrating 7
The older you get, the less "milestones" there are (that are created by society). We've graduated university, secured tenure positions in jobs, gotten engaged and married, purchased a home, and birthed a child. (We pause for a moment to acknowledge just how unbelievably privelged we are). Other than decade birthdays and retirements, what's left? Just think of the labels on greeting cards to get what I mean. Setting your own goals and establishing your own milestones becomes more important, just as it's important that you celebrate them all the same.

Today, we achieved something important to us. We arrived in Australia and have now officially set foot on all 7 continents. We've discovered the beauty of the world together, and the humbleness of humanity. We've witnessed a thousand - no, a million memorable snapshot moments of sunrises and sunsets, unbelievable animals and plants, sweeping vistas, and emotional human traditions, that have all taken our breaths away.

That being said, we're not done. Travel is more than just a checklist. There are more cultures to experience, new peaks to witness the sun rising on, further lessons to learn, and now, old places to revisit and watch our daughter discover. There will always be a new corner of the world that excites us (and many amazing places to revisit), and we are fortunate enough to get the opportunity to (re)discover them. Cheers!

In celebration, we've pulled some photos from the archives to commemorate each continent...

North America: Top of the World, BC, Canada

South America: Uyuni Salt Flats, Bolivia

Africa: The Church of Saint George, Lalibela, Ethiopia

Asia: Taj Mahal, Agra, India 

Antarctica: Portal Point, Antarctica

Europe: Porto, Portugal

Australia: Christie's Beach, Adelaide

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