Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 316: Race You Back Home

Our final video perfectly encompasses how we feel about returning home. We're excited to see our family and friends, eat whatever we want, be reunited with "new" clothing, and, of course, get married. It's also a chance to reset our "normal" life by finding a new apartment and looking for new jobs.

But leaving life on the road will certainly be a challenge. Finding a way to keep the adventure going while we work full-time will have to be a priority. We'll try our best to keep the memories fresh so that we can incorporate what we've learned into our daily lives.

Set to music by Elizabeth and the Catapults, we'll take you through our journey by including one picture from every single place we visited on the trip. But it's balanced, as our feelings are, with our desire to come home. We hope you enjoy it!

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