Monday, March 27, 2017

NZ/Aus Day 9: Vin'ding Our Way Around the Region

Determined to make things easier for our second day in Picton, we set off on a driving tour of the area hoping for more outstanding views. We wound our way up and down the hillsides but unfortunately it was mostly the trees on the side of the road that were in sight. With little trouble we found our way to the bay Craig had marked as our turn around point. We settled out on a quiet dock to snack and relax in the sun.

Since the views were less scenic than hoped, we changed our plans and decided to cut back via the vineyard road instead. But first a quick stop at a noted viewpoint. This "walk" promised panoramic views of the sound with just 10 minutes of walking. You'd think we would have learned from the day before...nope! On we went wearing only flip flops, up a steep path with knarled roots and what would be slippery muddy patches if it had been raining. The view from the top, though lovely, did not seem much better from what we had seen at the pull-out down below. At least we got our exercise for the day!

We continued on and after a few failed attempts of finding a winery to taste at (we think we just drove into the industrial area of their vineyard instead...whoops!), we discovered the perfect spot: Wairu Valley Winery. They had a lovely sitting area out back with views of their grapes and the mountains in behind. Baby happily lazed on a picnic bench while we enjoyed a glass and an appy then headed home for the night.

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